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10 Tips for Successful Google Advertising

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

Google advertising is one of the most cost-effective digital marketing tools available to business owners today. With over 3.5 billion daily searches worldwide, Google allows you to be visible to your target market. If you are looking for techniques to make your ads more effective, this article is ideal for you.

Google Ads

Before we proceed with creating powerful ads, let’s first understand the basics of Google Ads. Previously known as Google AdWords, Google Ads is an advertising service for pay-per-click (PPC) ads. You will typically see these ads at the top or bottom of Google search engine results pages (SERPs).

The best part about Google Ads is its flexibility—you can segment your audience, set budgets for different campaigns, and pause or stop ads that are not effective. If you know what to do with the targeting and budget options, Google advertising can drastically improve your lead generation, conversion rate, and revenue.

Here are some numbers to better explain why you should incorporate Google Ads in your digital marketing campaign:

 A whopping 90% of consumers claim ads influence their purchase decisions.

 Online ads make finding information more convenient for 75% of consumers.

 Digital ads increase brand awareness by 80%.

Now that you have a better understanding of the benefits of Google Ads, let’s proceed with ten tips for successful Google advertising.

1. Define Your Target Market

Google offers a wide variety of options for targeting your audience. You can choose the age, location, gender, and interests of the people who will see your ads. Choose a market that has a high probability of purchasing your products or services. If you don’t select carefully, you’ll end up wasting a chunk of your budget on people who are not at all interested in what you offer.

2. Use the Right Keywords

Keyword research is a crucial part of any Google Ads campaign. If you don’t conduct keyword research, achieving your desired results will be challenging. You may use a tool like Ubersuggest to generate keyword ideas. It’s a free tool that allows you to create keywords ideal for your business and check out some of the keywords your competitors are using. Additionally, consider using long-tail keywords and negative keywords. They can help you target potential clients who are likely to convert.

Long-tail keywords are specific keyword phrases that can help you communicate your strengths. For example, if you are a high-end beauty parlor in Los Angeles, avoid keywords like “California parlor.” Chances are, you’ll have a lot of competition. People from as far as Eureka and Mendocino might also come across your ad, and they are not likely to travel to Los Angeles for a haircut. Instead, go for keywords like “Beauty salon in Los Angeles” or “Keratin treatment Los Angeles.”

Another useful tool to consider is using negative keywords. By telling Google what your product or service is not, you can filter clients who are not likely to avail of your products or services. Using the same example as above—a high-end beauty parlor in Los Angeles—you can exclude terms like “cheap” and “affordable.” By doing this, you will prevent people searching for “Cheap beauty salon in Los Angeles” or “Affordable Keratin Treatment Los Angeles” from seeing your ads.

3. Target Your Ads

Now that you have a better understanding of keywords, keep in mind that there are three keyword match types in Google Ads. Each type has its pros and cons. You can use a combination of these match types to achieve desired results.

Exact Match

Exact match types used to be specific. Before, a potential client could only see your ad if they used your keyword phrase precisely how you logged it. However, Google made a few tweaks and included plurals, synonyms, and variations to match a person’s search.

Phrase Match

Your ad will appear for phrase match types if a potential client uses your main keyword and adds words before or after it. If you use “Keratin treatment Los Angeles,” a person searching for “Where to get keratin treatment Los Angeles” can find your ad.

Broad Match

The broad match type creates the most leads because your ad will appear when a user types any word on your key phrase. However, if it’s not specific enough, you might end up with many leads that don’t convert.

4. Create a Catchy Headline

No matter how groundbreaking your products or services are, a poor headline will not entice people to click on your ads. Your headline is the first thing your potential clients will notice when they see your ad; make sure it resonates with them. You can use several techniques to develop a catchy headline, like including your main keyword, highlighting your unique selling proposition (USP), and addressing a problem your potential clients might have.

5. Use the Right Campaign Type for Your Ad

Google Ads has five types of campaigns, each one having a distinct advantage over the other. Choosing the right ad type for your brand can improve the effectiveness of your campaign.

Search Ad Campaigns

Search ad campaigns appear at the top of SERPs when a person searches Google for a product or service like yours.

Video Ad Campaigns

Video ads appear before, in between, or after YouTube videos. A video ad can convey a large amount of information in a short time. These ads have become more popular over the past few years.

Display Ad Campaigns

Display ads use select social media platforms, websites, or other digital channels that your target market frequently visits. Use display ads on digital spaces that best connect with your audience. Typically, the website owner gets a commission for leading clients to your brand.

App Ad Campaigns

If you have an app, you can advertise it through Google Play, Google Display Network, Google Search Network, Youtube, and other channels to encourage installation.

Shopping Ad Campaigns

You can advertise products on Google Merchant Center, which includes pictures and prices. All you have to do is provide Google with the necessary information, and the search engine giant will create the ads for you.

6. Use All Relevant Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are an essential part of your customers’ experience. If you use them correctly, they can boost the performance of your ads. There are several extensions to choose from, but here are the frequently-used ones.

Sitelinks Extensions

Sitelinks extensions are additional links your customers might find valuable. They can lead your audiences to specific pages of your website.

Structured Snippets

Structured snippets allow you to add extra information about your products or services. Make sure to choose a relevant category when building your ad extension.

Call Extensions

Call extensions allow advertisers to include phone numbers in their ads.

7. Adjust Your Bids for Geo-targeting

Local industries such as hotels, restaurants, and services are not the only businesses that can benefit from geo-targeting. No matter what industry you’re in, you can use it to minimize unnecessary costs and strengthen your campaigns.

For example, if you’re selling snow equipment, you can avoid bidding on warmer areas like Alabama and Florida.

8. Develop a Relevant Landing Page

The landing page is one of the most overlooked aspects of paid search. It’s easy to get lost choosing your target market, doing your keyword research, and creating a video ad. Don’t forget that developing a relevant landing page is just as important as all the other steps.

Keep in mind that the goal of any landing page is to convert potential clients. Make sure your landing page loads quickly, navigates easily, and clearly explains the value of your offer.

9. Optimize Your Ads for Mobile Devices

Research shows that 61% of Google searches happen on mobile devices. If your ad is not optimized for mobile devices, you’re likely to miss out on many opportunities to attract new potential clients. Make sure your ads have fast load times, clear images, and responsive links.

10. Make Your Ads Available in Different Languages

If you have an international audience or are in a multi-lingual area, creating ads in different languages can prove advantageous. They will attract clients who do not understand English very well.

Create Effective Google Ads Now

Google advertising is a powerful tool that enables business owners to convert millions of internet users daily. By creating effective ads, you can report record-breaking lead generation, conversion, and revenue rates for your company.

If you need help developing Google ads guaranteed to convert the right potential audiences, you may reach (Company) at (email address) or (number).

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