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Privacy Policy

Last Revised: 4/1/2024

To view our archived Privacy Notice, click here.

Web Launch empowers home service-based businesses to get more clients from search engines. We are committed to ensuring your privacy when you visit our website, use our services, and communicate with us.

Managing Your Privacy Preferences:

  • Website Visitors: Manage your privacy preferences directly through this notice by visiting Manage Privacy Settings.

  • Customers: Manage your privacy preferences on your Account Settings page.

  • Contact Us: Reach us at or by mail at the addresses listed in Contact Us to exercise your privacy rights.

Scope of This Privacy Notice:

This Global Privacy Notice describes our core privacy practices and applies to all individuals regardless of where they live. The laws in some places where we do business may require customized local privacy notices, accessible through the following links:

  • Europe (EEA/EU, UK, and Switzerland)

  • United States (California and other States)


We encourage you to review your local customized notice if you live in one of these areas.

Data Covered by this Privacy Notice:

This global privacy notice covers personally identifiable information (PII) when we act as the data controller.

  • PII identifies or could be used to identify a specific person, such as your name, address, and payment details.

  • We act as a controller when we process PII for our own use, such as when you provide your PII to open an account.

This notice does not apply when you process PII for your own benefit. For example, when you send an email for business purposes that includes PII, you are acting as the “controller,” and we process PII only in accordance with your instructions or as required by law.

This notice also does not apply to third-party applications offered through our services or linked through our website. Please review the privacy notice of any third-party service or website before using it.

Core Privacy Rights:

We recognize several core privacy rights:

  • The right to know what PII we hold about you

  • The right to access, correct, or delete your PII

  • The right to transfer your PII (data portability)

  • The right to set your marketing and advertising preferences


We promptly review requests to exercise privacy rights. If we need more information to process your request, we will contact you. If we do not honor your request for legal or other reasons, we will explain why we did not honor your request, your right to appeal, and your right to file a complaint (if available where you live).

PII We Collect:

  • PII You Provide: We collect PII when you set up an account, use our services, or contact us. Examples include your name, email, phone number, address, and payment method.

  • PII We Collect Automatically: We collect PII automatically when you visit our websites, use our services, contact us, open our emails, or view our advertising. Examples include your device ID, IP address, web pages visited, and other similar details.

  • PII from Other Sources: We may collect PII about you from other sources, such as publicly available data, social media information, and information from third-party data providers.

  • PII We Generate: We process data to generate inferences and insights that may be linked to you or your account.

Use of PII:

We use PII to operate our business and provide services, including:

  • Managing accounts

  • Processing purchase requests

  • Registering domains you purchase

  • Provisioning requested products and services

  • Providing customer support

  • Securing, updating, and improving our services

  • Detecting fraud and other illegal activity

  • Customized marketing and personalized advertising

  • Contacting you to offer services

  • Website traffic measurement

  • Other uses consistent with the purposes for which the PII was collected or authorized by you

No Sale of PII:

We do not sell PII.

Disclosures to Others:

We disclose PII:

  • To processors to operate our business and deliver services, including providing security services, payment processing, and customer support.

  • To business partners to offer some services, such as email and payment processing.

  • To marketers and advertisers for creating personalized marketing and advertising messages.

  • To comply with law enforcement and other legal requests, protect our legal rights, prevent harm to us or others, and enforce our policies and contracts.

  • If we sell some or all of our assets or merge with a third party, we may transfer relevant PII to the buyer or new company.

Cookies, Web Beacons, and Other Tools:

We use cookies, web beacons, and scripts on our website and in our services. These tools help us provide customized services, measure website performance, provide customer support, and deliver personalized advertising.

Identifier Management:

Manage identifier settings through Manage Privacy Settings or your customer account. Many web browsers allow users to block cookies. Some cookies are essential for our website and services to function, and blocking all cookies may limit your ability to use our services.

"Do Not Track" and Preference Signals:

We do not respond to “Do Not Track” signals or recognize any universal opt-out mechanism currently under development.

Marketing and Advertising Preferences:

Manage your marketing and advertising preferences through Manage Privacy Settings or your Account Settings.


We store PII on our systems and with trusted service providers, including Amazon Web Services.

International Transfers:

We transfer PII internationally to operate our business and provide services, complying with applicable law.

Length of Retention:

We retain PII for our business needs and to comply with the law. If we no longer need PII, we may delete it or de-identify it.


We use risk-based measures to protect PII, including appropriate security controls and employee training.

No Collection of PII about Children:

We do not knowingly collect PII about anyone under 18 without permission from their legal guardian. Contact us if you believe we have collected information from a child without permission.

Legal Basis for Processing:

We process PII based on your request, consent, contract fulfillment, legitimate interest, or other lawful bases.


We will not discriminate against you for exercising your privacy rights.

No Financial Incentives:

We do not provide financial incentives for providing PII to us.

Policy Changes:

We may revise this Global Privacy Notice by posting a revised statement at the same location as this Notice or another location on our website. Changes will apply to personal data collected prior to the new statement only to the extent the new statement does not reduce the rights of affected data subjects.

For further details or questions regarding our privacy policy, please reach out to us at

Christopher Breland, CEO Web Launch

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